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In 2020 to 2021 there was an absence of dance in my life. I was missing the desire to engage in a personal and collective creation. While I was bound to the limits of my physical container, I found it liberating to be able to still create dance through my imagination. This sparked a curiosity around how I could transmit and transfer my imagination to the physical body of another person.

With inspiration from Nick Storring’s stunning composition from our yet to premiere Wéi and in collaboration with five artists, I created a series of solo variations, inviting the viewer to experience the narrative through their own imagination.

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Photos by Marlowe Porter

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by Yvonne Ng

Concept / Creation by Yvonne Ng, in collaboration with…

Performers: Susan Applewhaite, Irvin Chow, Mairéad Filgate, Michael Rayson, Kurumi Yoshimoto
Composer: Nick Storring
Lighting Designer: Jareth Li

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