Signs is a diptych of works, Paper Women and Emerald Lies. These two works have an autobiographical aspect and draw on Yvonne’s formative years attending an all-girls Catholic school in Singapore.
Photos by Ömer Yükseker
by Yvonne Ng
Concept & Choreography by Yvonne Ng
Artistically collaborated with & originally performed by Susanne Chui, Kate Franklin, Amy Hampton, Kate Holden, Susan Lee, Rebecca Mendoza and Elizabeth Smyth
Choreographer: Yvonne Ng* with creative input and output of……
Performers: Susanne Chui*, Kate Franklin*, Amy Hampton*, Jennifer Helland*, Susan Lee*, Rebecca Mendoza, Elizabeth Smyth*
Composer: Katherine Duncanson* with Marie-Josée Chartier*
Musicians: Katherine and Marie-Josée
Sound Engineer: John D.S. Adams
Creative Facilitator: Marie-Josée Chartier
Costume Designer: Heather MacCrimmon
Vocal coach: Katherine Duncanson
Resident Poet: Lindsay Zier Vogel