BLOG #1 It has been such a blast getting started with Swallowing Clouds programming this…
Spring Awakening – Activity Four
Spring Awakening – Activity Four
Follow to the rhythms of the music, it’s time to dance and explore!
We are excited to release our Spring Awakening Sheet #4 with the new edition of music tracks in this creative exploration suited for kids ages 6 – 12 with the support from their Guardians. The benefits from this exercise will help them be mindful of their own body, tune-in to their mental health and well-being.
- Download Spring Awakening Activity Sheet #4 (for both Kids + Guardians of 6 – 12)
- Download the music tracks files for this activity composed by Brandon Valdavia:
Feeling like you want to change things up? Feel free to return to our previous activities:
- Spring Awakening, Activity Sheet #1
- Spring Awakening, Activity Sheet #2
- Spring Awakening, Activity Sheet #3
As always, please share far and wide, and let us know over email or share through social media on Facebook or Instagram.
Ready, set, explore!
From Yvonne, Laura, & the rest of the Swallowing Clouds team
Thank you to our Spring Awakening Facilitating Team: Janaki Banting, Olivia Arcangeli, Marie Lambin-Gagnon, Morgyn Aronyk-Schell with Yvonne Ng, and Laura Cournoyea.